Friday, December 27, 2019

Global Warming And Its Effects - 1306 Words

Did you know that the United States is the largest source for global warming pollution (NRDC)? Although American’s make up only 4 percent of the world’s population, we still produce 25 percent of the carbon dioxide pollution (NRDC). That is more than China, India, and Japan combined (NRDC). There is a huge debate on whether or not global warming exists, but there is an even bigger debate on what the cause of this climate change is. I argue that with the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, humans play a huge part in the causation of global warming. There are many definitions for global warming, but there is one common definition that many scientists can agree on. Global warming is â€Å"an increase in the earth s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution† (Merriam-Webster). It is believed to be caused by many gases gathering together, creating a thick blanket in the earth’s atmosphere, and raising the earth’s temperature. According to S.M. Enzler MSc, Svante Arrhenius suggested in 1896, there would be a relationship between the carbon dioxide concentration on earth and its temperature. Arrhenius then did research with Thomas Chamberlin and predicted that human activities and their release of carbon dioxide would warm up the earth’s atmosphere (en. Enzler). They predicated then that humans would have a huge influence on the climate change. After a while the topic ofShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Its Effects985 Words   |  4 PagesEnvironmental Science Professor Mahoney 11/11/14 Global Warming Over the last few decades global warming has become one of the biggest environmental issues of all times. Every year, global warming gets worse and it’s affecting the way people live, it is affecting the atmosphere in general, and other living organisms in our planet. Global warming is the gradual and increasing rise of the overall temperature of the Earth caused by the greenhouse effect due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide andRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects Essay1040 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal warming is directly causing the rise in temperature of the Earth. The melting of the polar ice caps causes some of the most pressing issues including the endangerment of species indigenous to this region and the rise of ocean levels. Global Warming Global warming is the steady rise of temperature of the Earth’s surface. What exactly causes global warming? Numerous sources fuel global warming, such as deforestation, permafrost, and even sunspots. Obviously, many factors contribute to thisRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1331 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming Global warming is the causation of the Glaciers melting, sea levels rising, cloud forests drying, and wildlife struggles today. Humans are making this possible because of their release of heat-trapping gasses known as greenhouse gasses by their modern devices. Global warming is the abnormal speedy increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature. It is believed that this is due to the greenhouse gasses that people release into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.The greenhouseRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects976 Words   |  4 PagesAs global warming, we understand that is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It has been an immense concerning all over the world for the past decades since the current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms of climate that humans, animals and plants rely on. Scientists have studied the natural cycles and events that are known to influence the change in climate to discover what i s originating the current global warming. However, the amount and pattern ofRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1571 Words   |  7 PagesAs global issues today become increasingly controversial, many people are inclined to believe that Global Warming is an issue that can take a backseat to more significant issues that plague today’s society. The information presented throughout my research in regards to the rising sea levels and the melting of glaciers and ice shelves, highly indicates that it cannot. What many Americans fail to realize is that if sea levels continue to rise due to Global Warming, then more than half of LouisianaRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1544 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming is one of the vigorously discussed topic on Earth today. According to a TechMedia Network, â€Å"Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to b e permanently changing the Earth’s climate.† (â€Å"Global Warming †¦ Effects†). We have been witnessing the change in Earth’s climate since past few years, and we are well aware of the consequences of climate change as well. Global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1432 Words   |  6 Pageshas an effect on climate change and contributes to global warming. Yet people tend to turn a blind eye to global warming and label it as a myth, whether they do not believe in it or it is not in their best financial interest to believe in it. Let us take a closer look at global warming and the effects it has on our people, homes and environments. Global Warming has become a rising problem in our world’s climate. It’s time we show the initiative to understand the concept of global warming and showRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects928 Words   |  4 PagesGlobal-Warming Mother Earth is burning as we speak; humanity has killed our precious Earth. Global-warming is a vicious killer that was created by the humans on this Earth, and there s no way to cure it. We, as humans, have the power to cleanse the Earth, but instead we destroy it. Heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas absorb thermal radiation emitted by the Earth s surface. As the sun s energy reaches the Earth’s surface some of it goes back out into spaceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1416 Words   |  6 Pages Global Warming The earth is getting warmer, animals and their habitats are declining, human health is at risk and the cause of all this terror is Global Warming. Global warming will cause many parts of the world to change. In the next 50 years climate change could be the cause of more than a million terrestrial species becoming extinct. Sea levels will raise which means more flooding and is not good for the plants. With too much water the plants will die and herbivores will lose theirRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1312 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming is presenting a lot of environmental and health problems to many countries. A lot of heat gets trapped on earth due to formation of a non-porous layer gases below the atmosphere. The worst effect is felt by developing countries, which are also geographically disadvantaged. The establishment of such countries is on low altitude areas. This position makes developing countries to be direct victims of floods from the melting snow at high altit ude areas. A lot of scientific research associates

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why I Am A English - 947 Words

English Composition has taught me countless different skills that I can now apply to future writing projects. Among many things, the three lessons that I got the most use out of are the following; how to correctly structure an essay, different methods of writing, and the personal growth that I’ve had since taking this class. With English being my second language, it is difficult for me to express myself in writing form. It is extremely frustrating to have countless ideas and opinions that I would like to share with an audience, but because I am not comfortable with writing, I stay silent for many things. Taking this course has helped me open up as a person and express some of my views. Writing is a form of art that many people forget about or avoid. Art is a beautiful subject that help many people express themselves. Art comes in numerous forms, for example, drawing, painting, music, dance, and even writing. I believe that it is important to keep art alive as it shows the beau ty of the world through a multitude of eyes. That is why I will vouch that reading and writing need to be kept active in every culture. One of the main resources I got out of this course was how to structure a correct essay. This helped me while writing essay and also gave me the balance I needed to keep my essays organize. When structuring an essay the first thing to do is to write the introduction. Learning how to structure helped me try to write a captivating introductions. A well arrangedShow MoreRelatedWhy I Am A English864 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout my years in school, I have always found English to be my least favorite subject. Ever since I was little, Science was a subject I really enjoyed studying. This is because, unlike English, the subject comes easy to me and I find it interesting to learn. In Science all you have to do is to understand the concept that you’re reading and all the answers are right in the textbook. English on the other hand , is more complex for me because I don t have the answers right in front of me likeRead MoreBeing From A Country Where There Are Multiple Languages1324 Words   |  6 Pagesthere are multiple languages I can learn, it makes it a fun way to witness people speaking in all these different languages but also stressful not to understand what they are saying. Languages are part of my everyday life. I read and write in three different languages, I speak three different languages and also listen to people talk in a lot of different languages. I experienced different languages, mostly in school. I believe language has an effect on everyone and when I hear people speak differentRead MoreI Am Happy That I Didn t Believe This Class Is Almost Over Summer Went By Fast.904 Words   |  4 PagesI can t believe this class is almost over; summer went by fast. I am happy that I learned numerous concepts that have helped me improve my writing, such as grammar concepts, APA format, word choice, persuasive essays, and cause and effect essays. First, there are several grammar concepts that I feel like I will remember. The FANBOYS mnemonic device I learned in this class will help me remember coordinating conjunctions (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). We need to use a comma + a conjunction (andRead MoreUnity in Diversity Skit1003 Words   |  5 Pagestradition, culture but inspite of these differences India still continues to be one of the most widen democracy. So Today I Muskan Khanna with my group Naughty Teenagers is here to perform a comic skit to show UNITY IN DIVERSITY and how small things like sports binds all of us together. But before starting our play I want to introduce you all with the characters of my play. In this play Bhawna is playing the role of a Sushma who belongsRead MoreUnity in Diversity Skit1003 Words   |  5 Pagestradition, culture but inspite of these differences India still continues to be one of the most widen democracy. So T oday I Muskan Khanna with my group Naughty Teenagers is here to perform a comic skit to show UNITY IN DIVERSITY and how small things like sports binds all of us together. But before starting our play I want to introduce you all with the characters of my play. In this play Bhawna is playing the role of a Sushma who belongsRead More Personal Narrative: Reflections on 7th grade English Class Essay967 Words   |  4 Pagesthe beginning of 7th grade English class I now realized of all the great things I have accomplished this year for English class. I am proud of how hard I worked this year and how my English has gotten better. I am proud to have been part of Ms Ds English class and she is a phenomenal teacher. I think that one day I will be able to work as a English teacher like Ms D or I will become a journalist. Although I must say that when I first entered English class I had so many different thou ghtsRead MoreMy Writing As A Writer1700 Words   |  7 PagesWhat kind of writer am I? That’s a trick question for which there is not a satisfactory answer. My experience with writing has never been my favorite. In fact, English has always been my least favorite subject. Studying math and science is what I enjoy; these have come rather easy for me. English, for some reason I will never understand, has always required extra effort for me actually to do well. Sure, there have been plenty of times that I have been required to write a few research papers, severalRead MoreQuestions On English And Russian1219 Words   |  5 PagesIn this essay, I will be discussing my experiences with modals in English and Russian. The purpose of my project is to investigate the differences in the usage and meanings of modals between the two languages. My focus will be on the modal, â€Å"must,† and what contexts it is mainly used for. I will start by discussing what was particularly challenging about this project. Modals are a highly complex area of grammar both in English and Russian. Several of the texts I have consulted for my project remarkRead MoreEssay on How My Spoken Language Changes in Different Situations730 Words   |  3 PagesAlthough I have my own idiolect, the way I speak constantly changes. This is because I try to adapt my spoken language to suit the situation I am in. There are many reasons for why I try to adapt my spoken language some of the main reasons being that I am fearful of the judgements and perceptions that others may make because of the way I speak also being afraid of exclusion or not being able to fit in and sometimes I feel pressurised into speaking in a certain way. With my parents I often codeswitchRead MoreMy Experience At Korean Culture864 Words   |  4 PagesWhen friends and the people I meet daily ask me why I want to teach in Korea, I say it is because I love Korean culture and I love to teach, so why not go teach English in Korea? When I was younger, I took martial arts lessons in Tae Kwon Do where the instructors introduced Korean language and culture and soon my love for the country grew. Throughout high school and college, my interest in Korea expanded from not only martial arts and language but to other aspects including food, history, traditions

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Clean Air Act Essay Research Paper 1990 free essay sample

Clean Air Act Essay, Research Paper 1990, the federal Clean Air Act was passed to better air quality in the United States. President Bush # 8217 ; s proposed amendments to the Clean Air Act ab initio would hold led to the debut of alternate, non-petroleum fuels. The crude oil and oxygenate industries responded by offering a reformulated gasolene plan as a replacement for most of the surrogate fuel proposals. As a consequence, the amendments to the federal Clean Air Act adopted in 1990 needed stairss to accomplish lower vehicle emanations, including plans to oxygenize and redevelop gasolene. Oxygenated gasolene is designed to increase the burning efficiency of gasolene, thereby cut downing C monoxide emanations. Since January 1995, the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments necessitate countries that have the most terrible ozone pollution to utilize reformulated gasolene incorporating fuel oxygenates to better air quality. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether is one of the most normally used fuel oxygenates because it is produced in really big sums from isobutylene, a waste merchandise in the refinement procedure. We will write a custom essay sample on Clean Air Act Essay Research Paper 1990 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page MTBE can be easy produced at the refinery, at a low cost, and can be transferred through bing grapevines one time it has been blended with gasolene. In contrast to other gasolene additives used in the yesteryear, MTBE is a member of a category of chemical compounds, quintessences, whose alone belongingss are enhanced solubility in H2O and chemical attractive force to H2O molecules. These belongingss, along with widespread usage of MTBE, have resulted in frequent sensing of MTBE in samples of shallow groundwater from urban countries throughout the United States. MTBE moves rapidly to shoal groundwater because it is non attached to dirty atoms, and is chemically attracted to H2O molecules. MTBE the possible to impact regional groundwater beginnings and may show a cumulative taint jeopardy due to its mobility and evident refractoriness. The United States Geological Survey, in a paper presented to the American Chemical Society in San Francisco in April 1997, noted that MTBE # 8220 ; can travel from shoal to deeper aquifers with time. # 8221 ; MTBE enters the environment, and finally the groundwater, chiefly from leaking belowground fuel armored combat vehicles and associated piping, but besides from uncomplete burning in internal burning engines, sloping and vaporization during transit and refueling, and watercraft fumes. Atmospheric precipitation may be another possible beginning of MTBE in groundwater, because MTBE percolates easy through dirt due to its little molecular size and solubility in H2O, leting it to travel quickly into groundwater. The Environmental Protection Agency has classified MTBE as a possible human carcinogen, but no drinking-water ordinance has been established for the compound. The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a imbibing H2O advisory of 20- 40 mcgs per litre, based upon olfactory property and gustatory sensation thresholds, and to supply a # 8220 ; big border # 8221 ; of safety from carcinogenic effects. Since February 1997, the California Department of Health Services has required public H2O providers to supervise their imbibing H2O beginnings for MTBE. As of December 1997, approximately 23 % of imbibing H2O beginnings in California had been sampled for MTBE taint. Of those sites tested, 33 or 1.3 % , had noticeable degrees of MTBE. Of the contaminated sites tested, 36 % had MTBE degrees above the province # 8217 ; s proposed imbibing H2O criterion. Some H2O systems merely test every three old ages for volatile organic compounds, such as MTBE, so it will be the terminal of 2000 before all systems will hold been tested. For MTBE, this frequence of impact to public imbibing Wellss may non be a dependable index of future tendencies because it reflects a history of releases, including those affecting gasolene preparations incorporating no or merely low volumes of MTBE. It besides appears that dissolved benzene plumes were of larger regulative concern than MTBE in old surveies. Most surveies have indicated that MTBE does non biodegrade easy under assorted environmental conditions. If a research probe determines that a compound does non degrade, a half life is n ot reported and the compound is classified as recalcitrant. MTBE is by and large reported as recalcitrant, and there are no widely accepted estimations of the half life. Research workers have reported that MTBE is fractious in anaerobiotic research lab surveies including denitrifying conditions, sulfate-reducing conditions, methanogenic-reducing conditions, and anaerobiotic conditions in landfill-affected aquifer stuff, dirts, and sludges. One 1995 consequence indicated there was no debasement of MTBE in an aerophilic research lab survey after more than 100 yearss of incubation. Degradation of MTBE has been reported on juncture and this indicates that some micro-organisms are able to degrade MTBE. Resent research has demonstrated that bacterial populations and certain pure bacterial strains, when isolated from biotreated sludges and other beginnings, have the ability to utilize MTBE as a exclusive C beginning. Engineers in the research lab of Marc Deshusses, an helper professor of chemical technology at University of California at Riverside, are analyzing how microorganisms with an affinity for MTBE degrade the linear under assorted conditions. They found the biodegradation rate of MTBE in both laboratory flasks and bioreactors was greatly improved by adding hint sums of peat humic substances, big organic molecules that can be extracted from peat. The substances seem to excite the bugs, but scientists do non yet cognize how. There are no surveies of effects on worlds of long term exposure to MTBE. Surveies used to find the jeopardies have been done with research lab animate beings, which creates many restrictions and uncertainness. Animal trials performed in 1997 were non conducted by exposing animate beings to MTBE in imbibing H2O, but instead by presenting oil incorporating MTBE straight into their stomachs several times a hebdomad. The Environmental Protection Agency determined, # 8220 ; although utile for placing possible jeopardies, restrictions of the reported surveies do non let confident estimations of the grade of hazard MTBE may present to worlds from low-level imbibing H2O contamination. # 8221 ; In 1997, the California Legislature addressed several issues environing MTBE. Four measures passed the Legislature and were signed by Governor Wilson. These measures included SB 521, which paid University of California to find the hazards and benefits of MTBE to human wellness and the environment, and required the governor to take appropriate action once these findings were made about the safety of MTBE. SB 1189 required the Department of Health Services to put primary and secondary criterions for imbibing H2O, and necessitate public presentment if taint occurs. AB 592 required several actions related to the taint and clean up of groundwater by MTBE, and the financess to reimburse proprietors of contaminated imbibing beginnings. AB 1491 prohibited bringing of gasolene to any belowground fuel storage armored combat vehicle non in conformity with province and federal criterions after January 1, 1999. As a consequence, Governor Gray Davis ordered MTBE to be banned in California by Decem ber 2002. Many H2O providers now want to fault the oil industry for the taint of their imbibing H2O. On June 20, 2000, the metropolis of Santa Monica, Ca filed a case against 18 oil companies for 200 million dollars for the estimated costs of killing of the metropoliss polluted imbibing H2O Wellss. In November 1997, Mr. Bordvick of the Tosco Corporation testified at a public hearing of the Assembly of Natural Resources Committee that Tosco # 8217 ; s place was in support of the prohibition of MTBE because of concern of the possible liability the company would confront if MTBE contaminated drinking H2O. Several months before, a U.S. District Court in Wilmington, North Carolina, awarded 9.5 million dollars to the 178 occupants of a nomadic place park because MTBE had contaminated their imbibing good. Although it was known that MTBE was a threat in the 1980 # 8217 ; s, the crude oil and oxygenate industries knew that MTBE was the lone hope of accomplishing the demands of the Clean Air Act. Non-petroleum fuels are the hereafter of this planet, yet these companies are pig-headedly defying to accept the destiny of our hereafter.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Research Paper on Bowling Essay Example

Research Paper on Bowling Paper Bowling is a game that was popularized in the United States and is to reverse the pins with a ball. Bowling is a game with six or ten pins, developed in the nineteenth century in the northeastern United States. The federation American Bowling Congress was founded on September 9 1895. The first championship was held in Chicago in 1901. To write a good research paper on bowling use free sample research papers, which will help you understand that traditional bowling games have survived in many areas, for example in Britain, where Bowling of Alder tries to popularize it. The track (or driveway) for bowling is 1.06 m wide and 16.98 m (60 feet) in length. The arrows are located 15 feet from the foul line (environ 4,7 m). We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Bowling specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Bowling specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Bowling specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Since the early 1990, synthetic coatings melamine have gradually replaced the maple tracks in favor of reduced maintenance and improved stability conditions. The track is bordered by two ditches, called also scuppers or gutters. The track has a special oiling, that is to say that the track is oiled on 39 or top 45 feet (11.9 m to 13.7 m) of the track of a gradual manner and the remaining quarter is sometimes left dry. This difference in roughness affects the curve of the ball at the end of the track and is called the breaking point. Indeed, it will turn on itself on the oiled surface and then â€Å"hang† on the dry rolling away, resulting in a change of direction. If the ball leaves the track, it is collected by gutters and re-routed back by a rail system; no points are then harvested. The approach zone, separated from the track by the â€Å"foul line† measure 4.87 m (15 feet). The tracks are elevated from the ground for 38 cm to 43 cm in order to place under it the ball returning system. Bowling pins are 38.1 cm high with a minimum weight of 1.4 kg each. The ball has weigh ranging from 2.7 to 7.258 kg (6-16 lbs). The bowling is of American origin that is why the balls wear matching numbers to their weight in pounds. It is possible to have your own ball, a specific weight, drilled to the size of your hand and fingers and the color of choice, allowing a better game. There are different types of balls: woody balls (without stones that roll in a straight line on the track); the follower balls (which allow the ball to have a curved path). Bowling has ten tiles (or 10 frames). Each player throws two balls to each tile, except in cases of strike. A strike is to break down all ten pins with the first ball. The spare is to break down all ten pins with two consecutive shots of the tile. Thus, the perfect mark is 300 points for twelve consecutive strikes. The two main events are the world championship, created in 1969, and the Europe. Each country organizes, also recognized by their federation such as internal competitions: individual national championships and teams in the regional and district championships, a club championship, an inter-team championship†¦ At custom writing service you can buy a custom research paper on Bowling topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details: Enjoy our professional research paper writing service!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

20 Best Christmas Gifts for Students with Imagination

20 Best Christmas Gifts for Students with Imagination 20 Best Christmas Gifts for Students with Imagination Christmas is the time of giving. People around the world spend lots of time, effort, and money to give out to the less fortunate and to their loved ones. And for some students, it means saving enough cash from their allowances and think of imaginative ideas to utilize their budget. Giving Christmas gifts doesn’t mean spending loads of cash on a Christmas present. There are numerous gift ideas for your loved ones, which are creative and personal. Here are 20 examples of best Christmas gifts for students with imagination: 1. DIY pillow cases Are you thinking of something special to give your parents? And get really tired whenever your mom spends loads of time in the department looking for the perfect red and green pillow case this Christmas? Lastly, are you a creative person who enjoys do-it-yourself or DIY projects? This is one the best gift ideas for you. Why? It will save you from spending too much on one gift It is something personal and chances are your mom will appreciate it You will spend more time doing something you like What you need are the following: A meter or yard of plain cloth with any fabric you like, zipper or buttons, and needle and thread. And if you feel like decorating it, you may do so with cross-stitch patterns or embroidery. 2.   A sweet letter One of the best gifts anyone can get are personal letters written from the heart. First, you won’t have to spend anything but a decorative paper and a pen. Think of it as a Christmas writing discount where you improve your skill in writing and become a better writer. Here are some thoughts and guidelines if you wish to pursue this idea: Think of your letter as educational writing. You need to put it time and effort to impress your professor, and in this case your parents or loved ones. This kind of Christmas present can be as personal as you want it to be. Remember the fundamentals of writing like a good introduction, a heartfelt body, and a strong conclusion. And here I say, you’re welcome. Christmas writing is fun. And if you do not have can hire essay writers online and get a Christmas writing discount 3. A video editorial This type of Christmas present is best fit for students who are into film and any related field. You can edit old homemade videos and present it on Christmas day 4. Dough sets for your niece Thinking of creative gift ideas for your cousins and niece? Dough sets maybe the smartest choice. Why? Kids learn creativity and explore new shapes and sizes. 5. Journals or organizers Having a hard time buying gifts for students? Go for the usual journal or organizer. Students sometimes are having a hard time managing their time with all the requirements in school.. If you give them an organizer, they can now schedule their daily errands. Furthermore, if you give a student a journal, he can put to words and in detail all his or her experience in school. 6. Printed socks There are various companies who sell printed socks. It’s very out in the market, meaning you won’t have a hard time finding them. They’re available in different colors, patterns, and sizes. 7. Pencil cases A pencil case is a good gift idea if you’re thinking of a gift for a writers or students who have a collection of color pens, highlighters, and pencils. They now come in different shapes and styles. You can give the usual pencil you used to bring to school in junior high or a leather roll-up pencil case for a more professional look. 8. Ballpen set So there’s something to put in your pencil case. 9. Notepads Sticky notes have been in our lives for a long time and it’s not going to be obsolete even in today’s age of technology. It’s a thoughtful gift and also imaginative. 10. A selection of how-to guides for DIY artists This is a perfect gift for imaginative individuals who enjoy making DIY. 11. Running shoes Imaginative students also need to have a healthy lifestyle. 12. New clothes Buying clothes is an obvious choice for gifts. And young creative minds sometimes forget to dress up because of they are pre-occupied with all their projects they have to accomplish. Most imaginative individuals tend to wear the same style on a daily basis because it saves them the time and effort to think of their wardrobe. This is a good option because you already know what they want. If he or she wears a lot of black, buy a black shirt. This idea saves you the time and the possibility of committing a mistake. 13. Set of pencils Pencils have a variety of shades and function. If you’re giving a gift for someone who is into arts, giving him or her new set of pencils is a great option. 14. A witty mug This is probably the perfect gift for people who loves drinking coffee. There are a lot of options in the market. You can give a mug with pop arts designs or a witty statement that reflects his or her personality. 15. A spa gift certificate Buying gifts for students can sometimes be a painful task. The best gift for hard working students is something that will release them from all the stress through a nice day at the spa. 16. A good novel Reading is both fun and informative. 17. Foot rest This gift idea is perfect for writers who are glued to their couch thinking of the next great love story. 18. Pencil holder This gift idea is perfect for writers who are glued to their couch who writes all their next great ideas. 19. Typewriter This is a good idea for writers who can take a good pun. It’s traditional and retro! 20. Calligraphy writing set A calligraphy set is a great idea for students who have a penchant for writing. They can use it to practice their handwriting or even write an entire book using this just like some of the greatest writers who have walked this earth.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What Is Eating Gilbert Grape Review (for a Special Ed Class) Essay Example

What Is Eating Gilbert Grape Review (for a Special Ed Class) Essay Example What Is Eating Gilbert Grape Review (for a Special Ed Class) Paper What Is Eating Gilbert Grape Review (for a Special Ed Class) Paper Essay Topic: The Birthday Party Summary Written by Peter Hedges, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape is the story of the Grape family, which consists of Gilbert, Amy, Arnie, Ellen, and Bonnie. The movie is narrated by Gilbert Grape. Arnie is one of the main characters in the movie. Arnie is a 17-year-old male who shows signs of having Mental Retardation and Autism. Throughout the majority of the movie, Arnie is looking forward to the birthday party his family is going to be throwing for him for his 18th birthday. The movie is based on how the members of the Grape family are affected by Arnie’s disabilities, and the daily struggles they go through while caring for a family member with disabilities. All of Arnie’s siblings help out, but Gilbert does the majority of the work when it comes to caring for Arnie. Gilbert takes Arnie to work with him at the local grocery store, gives him his bath on a daily basis, and is always looking after him. Although, sometimes, Gilbert does not watch his brother close enough and he usually ends up climbing the water tower in town or is getting into some other kind of trouble. Gilbert Grape was the one appointed to caring for Arnie since he is the only man left in the house since Mr. Grape committed suicide seven years ago. Mr. Grape’s death left their mother, Bonnie, severely depressed and morbidly obese. Bonnie has not left the house in seven years, and her weight has left her incapable of caring for Arnie for years. Although it is obvious that Bonnie does feel guilty about leaving the care of Arnie completely up to her children, it is at times apparent throughout the movie that Bonnie and the children make it sound like Arnie may be the cause behind the death of Mr. Grape and the reason for the depression and current condition of their mother. It is evident throughout the movie the stress the Grape family is under. They are always arguing, and all of their arguments seem to revolve around one thing; Arnie. Accuracies, Inaccuracies, Stereotypes In What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, there were many things about the movie that were very truthful. The performance of Arnie Grape, played by Leonardo DiCaprio was very believable and consistent throughout the entire film. His portrayal of an individual with disabilities was spot on and I believe that anyone familiar with working with individuals with disabilities similar to Arnie’s would be proud of DiCaprio’s performance in the movie. Also, the second accuracy within the film was the way that the family sometimes treated Arnie like he was a nuisance. At times, families with a child who has a disability feel as though their child is nothing but a large burden to their life. As sad as it may sound, it is the truth in most cases; and it was very true especially with the Grape family. It was obvious at times throughout the movie that Arnie did have a negative impact on the lives of the members of the Grape family and sometimes they just did not want to be bothered because it was just too much for them. I believe that that is accurate because anyone who cares for a family member with a disability needs a break sometimes, and without the occasional break or help from another family member, it can be very strenuous to one’s own health. One of the most ridiculous inaccuracies that were stated in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape happened within the first couple minutes of the movie when Gilbert, the narrator, says that the Doctor said that Arnie would not live past the age of 10, and that he could now go any day now. Having a disability is not a death sentence, and even though the movie was set back in the early 1990’s, I don’t think doctor’s views on developmental disabilities such as Arnie’s have changed much since that time. There are many things that can be done for an individual with developmental disabilities as long as they are taken care of properly. Another inaccuracy in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape is that several times throughout the movie, Arnie’s younger sister, Ellen calls Arnie crazy. Individuals with disabilities are not crazy. Sure, they may do things out of the ordinary, or do things that we as regular people may not find acceptable to do, but that does not make them crazy, it just makes them different from us. Everyone is different from each other in one way or another, but that definitely does not make them crazy. Although, Arnie does do things over and over again, such as climbing the water tower in town, and does not learn from being reprimanded, but that in the least does not make him crazy. Also, another inaccuracy I would like to point out from the movie is when his family member’s think and say that Arnie is totally helpless. Although, in some cases, this may be a true statement, in Arnie’s case, it is not true at all. He is able to do many things on his own. He is very capable of finding the water tower on his own, he is able to speak and express his wants and needs clearly, and he is also able to communicate clearly with others. There were quite a few stereotypes in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, and most of them were very common among people today. Like for example, when Arnie climbed the water tower and the police decided to arrest him, they thought that he should have known better. Although, he was told numerous times before not to climb the water tower, for an individual with a disability, it is not an easy concept to grasp, and individuals with developmental disabilities more often than not do not understand right from wrong. Also, when arresting Arnie, they do not take his disability into consideration whatsoever. They were very rough with him and very rude as well. Another stereotype that was cast upon Arnie in the movie was when Gilbert was with his friends as the restaurant and Arnie was playing the pinball machine. He was being very verbal while he was playing the game, and many of the other patrons eating in the restaurant were staring at him as though no one else would be excited if they won a game or upset that they lost. They sort of glance at him like he has some sort of horrible disease, but much to their dismay, he is just as normal as the common folk. Take-away Message In the movie there are quite a few negative scenarios that could leave many viewers who are unfamiliar with individuals with disabilities with a bad taste in their mouths. One of the take-away messages that one may get from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape is that it is acceptable to yell and reprimand an individual with disabilities in public. This could not be further from the truth. This could have been taken from the scene where Ellen is watching Arnie, and he is headed toward the water tower and in her attempts to stop him, she pulls him down to the ground by his shirt, and proceeds to yell and scream at him like he is an animal. She also hits and kicks him while he is lying on the ground. This is a very negative thing for anyone to witness and it could not be further from the truth. Another message that people could have taken-away from the movie is that many family members and caregivers for individuals and family members with disabilities will eventually leave the family due to frustrations, commit suicide, or hit their disabled child. This is a very untruthful statement as well. Even though Mr. Grape did commit suicide and in the movie, the children and Bonnie do casually mention that it is because of Arnie that Mr. Grape is dead, it is not said for sure. Many people choose to be caregivers for individuals with disabilities and do it for their entire lives. It takes a special person to take care of a person with disabilities, and it takes a lot of time and patience, and without that, you will most likely be an unsuccessful caregiver. There are certain characteristics that a caregiver for a person with a disability must hold, and if you lack any of those characteristics, you will most likely not be able to handle the stress of caring for a person or child who is disabled. In addition to the ones mentioned before, another common take away message is that all individuals with disabilities are â€Å"crazy†. This was covered in another part of my paper, but it applies here as well. When Ellen calls her brother â€Å"crazy† numerous times throughout the movie, it makes people who are not familiar with disabilities wonder â€Å"are people with disabilities really crazy? † and the answer is no, they are not. Although there are many different kinds of disabilities out there, the disabilities that Arnie has do not make him crazy. There is not any time during the movie where Arnie shows any signs of being â€Å"crazy†. He is just a typical teenage boy who needs a little more help than others at times. Last but not least, the last take away message from the movie is that all persons with disabilities constantly misbehave and need to be under constant 24 hour supervision. This is not true in any sense of the word. There any many independent individuals who have disabilities who have their own apartments, have jobs, pay their own bills, and do not need any help or supervision whatsoever. Just because Arnie needs to be watched closely so he does not get into trouble does not mean that every single individual with a disability needs to be supervised with a close eye at all times. Every person and every disability is unique, and every person deals with their disability in a unique way. Some individuals with disabilities are able to go out and live completely independent lives, where others may need to live with a parent, caregiver, or roommate forever. It just depends solely on the individual. Likes, Dislikes, Changes In What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, there were a lot of things that were definitely likable about the movie. For one, the reality of the family and community setting where the movie took place. Also, the acting of DiCaprio as Arnie who was a teenager with developmental disabilities was exceptionally realistic. In addition, the reactions that the people in the community had to Arnie and his sometimes impulsive and irrational behaviors were very similar to the reactions people would have to an individual with disabilities out in the community today. Another thing that was much desired about What’s Eating Gilbert Grape was the fact that it probably opened the eyes of many people who thought it was out of the ordinary for parents to keep their disabled child and care for them and not send them away and institutionalize them. I believe that it made many people realize that it is normal for families to keep and care for their child whether it has a disability or not. Lastly, the movie also sent out a very positive and important message to viewers that could make many people feel more comfortable with people who care for individuals with disabilities, individuals with disabilities themselves, and giving the people who care for such individuals more credit for the hard work that they do. Some of the dislikes in the movie What’s Eating Gilbert Grape were the way the family and the community sometimes treated Arnie. Even though, that is the way it actually is at times, it is still unnecessary to treat anyone, disabled or not, disrespectfully and rudely. Throughout the movie, there were several scenarios where Arnie was treated with much disrespect. Although, that is how many individuals who are like Arnie are treated in today’s society, it is not acceptable and very terrible. Another dislike of the movie was the part of the movie where Gilbert was so frustrated with everything in his life, and had all of his emotions built up and he took it all out on Arnie and he hit him. Although, everyone gets angry at times, it is never acceptable to hit someone else, especially someone like Arnie who is unable of properly defending themselves. It may have been a very honest and true situation to see a family member with a child or sibling with a disability struggle through; there are plenty of other ways that Gilbert could have effectively expressed his emotions without hitting Arnie. He was under a lot of stress from the rest of his family, but that was no reason for him to take it out on Arnie, when it was his mother and other siblings that were causing all of his built up frustration and anger. Lastly, a dislike was very disheartening was the fact that whenever they went somewhere with Arnie, the people in the community would point, stare, or ask â€Å"what is wrong with him? †. Although, most times in today’s society, children and even some adults will do the same things to individuals with disabilities; that is the most disrespectful thing you could ever do to a person. It is a giant reality and it happens very, very often, but it tops the list of my dislike list in the movie What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Some of the changes that would have been ideal to the movie would to have been given the opportunity to see how Arnie performed and acted during school. It was very apparent how he acted outside of school and how he acted while around Gilbert and his other siblings, but it would have been interesting to see how he acted around his peers and other individuals who are like him. Also, another change that would be idealistic would be to have his other sister’s more involved in his care. Amy and Ellen were always too busy to care for Arnie, so all of the responsibility was always dumped completely onto Gilbert. It would have been nice to see how differently Arnie would have acted, and if he would have behaved any different if he were to be with Amy or Ellen more often than he was throughout the movie. At one point in the movie, Ellen was supposed to be watching Arnie and he ended up running towards the water tower and Ellen grabbed him and pulled him to the ground and was dragging him away from the water tower, while yelling at him and kicking him in public. Thankfully, Gilbert was there to intercede and stop Ellen from hurting Arnie anymore than she already had. It makes you wonder if Ellen showed more interest in Arnie if he would not have acted out while with her, and scenarios such as that would not have happened. Back in 1993, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape was a very controversial movie but portrayed a positive message to those families and individuals who did not understand disabilities and just how much work goes in to caring for individuals with disabilities. Many of those who did not understand before still may not completely understand and sadly, they may never. The movie does not do complete justice to all individuals with disabilities, because every individual and every disability is different and Arnie’s condition was a mild to moderate disability. From working with individuals with disabilities for the past eight years, every stereotype you can imagine was cast upon them, and many people do not take into consideration that they are people just like themselves and they have feelings too. Many people believe that individuals with disabilities do not hear or understand what is being said about them, but you would be surprised how smart some individuals with disabilities can be. It is sad that many individuals with disabilities are hardly ever recognized for their good attributes, it always seem to be the bad one’s that outshine and catch people’s attention.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Test the Expert Experiment Using the Sequence Generator Case Study

Test the Expert Experiment Using the Sequence Generator - Case Study Example The use of Random Sequence Generator as a valid randomization method requires maintaining the same conditions like temperature and size when preparing and serving the two samples not to have an effect on the test subject (Sharpe, De Veaux &Velleman, 2014).Independence of Trials Each trial of the experiment must be independent and an outcome of one trial should have no effect on the conclusion of the following trial. This aspect will bring validity to the statistical analysis of the experiment. Measures to influence the legitimacy of the test include running multiple tests with the practice subject to ascertain any faults in the process. The faults may cause poor results or incapacity of the test subject through fatigue or any other way. Rehearsal The rehearsal`s main purpose is to verify, improve or correct the experiment, and provide insight into the research in producing reliable results. The practice subject did not consume any of the samples, and no recommendations were needed to increase the potential of the experiment. The procedures and samples of the experiment were adequate to initiate the test. The critical value of the test statistic is -1.6499, the p-value is 0.005 at an alpha value of 0.05. The experiment has provided sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis as it is observed that H0: π < 0.5 (not an expert) indicating that the subject is statistically significantly considered an expert. Lavender is an expert in differentiating Diet Coke from Coke.